Games / 3DCG
[ADDED] 2 new quests: Doofus Walk and That Simp-Le Life #2
[ADDED] Exhibitionism events (as the alter-ego) feat. Natalie or Flora (Memory #108 & Memory #109)
[ADDED] Continuation to the "Spend time together with Zoe" (Dream World) event feat. Claire, Natalie, Zoe, Sofia, Nicole, Violet (Memory #107)
[ADDED] "That Simp-le Life" events feat. Elena (Memory #106)
[ADDED] Harfort art class event feat. Scarlett, Violet, Zoe, Claire and Sofia (Memory #105)
[ADDED] Lofi event feat. Violet (Memory #104)
[ADDED] Guard proposal event feat. Scarlett (Memory #103)
[ADDED] Bedtime horror event feat. ??? (Memory #102)
[ADDED] 5 additional (spicy) selfies feat. Flora, Zoe, Violet, Elena and Aiyana (Memory #97 updated)
[CHANGED] phone messages no longer load all messages when opening the menu/messages screen, which was causing lag. It will now load messages "dynamically" the moment you scroll down.
[CHANGED] when leaving home during the night while naked it will now give you the option to change clothes instantly (without having to go back to the bedroom).
[CHANGED] "Fun with Natalie" and "That Simp-le Life" quests can now be completed.
[FIXED] phone messages screen could go permanently black after hitting a messages limit.
[FIXED] phone messages no longer triggering after completing part 3 of Natalie's slutty outfit events (which would make it impossible to complete certain quests or unlock memories).
[FIXED] possibility for the Lust Toys grinding event to get stuck in a continuous loop. This bug would only trigger when certain conditions were met.
[FIXED] watching certain memories would place the MC "out of bounds" (due to the new condensed memories maps)
[FIXED] Kiss Kiss Bang Bang quest where Flora would appear in the middle of the night naked on her own in the living room without being able to interact with her.
[FIXED] unable to enter Violet's bedroom at certain times after finishing the Fist Slap Fingers quest. (+ No longer restricted to go upstairs inside Violet's house.)
[FIXED] pictures not always being cached correctly which was causing certain scenes to have janky animations.
[FIXED] non-healing items appearing during combat at the Farm.
[FIXED] sometimes unable to click the backdoor to enter the MC's house.
[FIXED] when changing to the alter-ego and going to sleep at certain times the main character stayed in his underwear (instead of automatically changing clothes).
[FIXED] talking to Natalie as the alter-ego would sometimes mess up the main character's animated bust.
[FIXED] street lights (with christmas lights) overlapping the main character sprite.
[FIXED] a few parallel processes on the bedroom and hallway maps causing potential fps drops.
[FIXED] possibility for the snow/rain weather effects to stay on screen (even inside buildings).
[FIXED] Only possible to enter apartment entrance in the City when clicking the bottom tile.
[FIXED] blue question marks on top of the "horny Harfort students" were staying in place even after the students were saved.
[FIXED] being able to walk through things after switching to the alter-ego.
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