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Wild Cats - Version 0.1

7-07-2024, 16:28 Games / 3DCG
Wild Cats - Version 0.1 Wild Cats - Version 0.1
About game: You are a highly anticipated up and coming volleyball star. Or rather, you were up until you destroyed your shoulder and your prospects along with it by overworking yourself. Now you're just a nobody who drowned your sorrows away with a series of poor life choices.

Conspiracy - Chapter 1 - Version 0.7

7-07-2024, 12:12 Games / 3DCG
Conspiracy - Chapter 1 - Version 0.7 Conspiracy - Chapter 1 - Version 0.7
About game: The protagonist, who became an orphan at the age of 13, was adopted by his father's friend. But unknown by the fact that a conspiracy is taking place backstage.​

Fake Father - Second 0.2 Part 1

7-07-2024, 10:53 Games / 3DCG
Fake Father - Second 0.2 Part 1 Fake Father - Second 0.2 Part 1
About game: You are an old man whose life is ruined, you live like a bum who just wants to die. But one day an accident happens and you meet your double, who offers you the chance to live his life. Now you must become an impostor, assume an identity that is not yours, and live with his wife and three beautiful daughters. As you learn the secrets of this family, you will be able to find your true identity.

The Family Sin - Version 0.2

6-07-2024, 18:45 Games / 3DCG
The Family Sin - Version 0.2 The Family Sin - Version 0.2
About game: You assume the role of a teenager who starts a new life in one of the oldest and most remote cities. You begin a fairly normal life, with a new school year and a new job to help your family Now, you must uncover the secrets of this new city and deepen your family relationships...

Merging of the Stars - Version 0.6

5-07-2024, 20:53 Games / 3DCG
Merging of the Stars - Version 0.6 Merging of the Stars - Version 0.6
About game: Because of the decision of your stepfather, who hates you, you have to leave your home. And at the end of the summer, after a painful farewell to your family, you leave for another city. Upon your arrival in a new and unfamiliar city, you settle into a college dormitory. After two weeks of your independent life, an unexpected problem comes to you. Due to the fact that you are a distant education student, you are denied the opportunity to live in the dormitory... But this unexpected obstacle you will overcome with ease! And how it will happen and other interesting events, you will find out in the game...

Origin Story - Version 0.4.0

4-07-2024, 18:33 Games / 3DCG
Origin Story - Version 0.4.0 Origin Story - Version 0.4.0
About game: Taking place twenty years after the Metagen-92 virus – aka the “Superflu” – has swept the world and rendered many of its adult population superpowered or mutated, Origin Story follows main hero, a seemingly normal nineteen-year-old struggling with his social status and his virginity, who is shunned by his peers due to his ability not yet manifesting...

Horton Bay Stories - Jake - Version

3-07-2024, 13:34 Games / 3DCG
Horton Bay Stories - Jake - Version Horton Bay Stories - Jake - Version
About game: Welcome to our first game set in the town of Horton Bay! Our main character, Jake (or nickname of your choosing) Rogers, finds himself at the end of his final school year and ready to head off to his local university along with his long term girlfriend and best mate. That is until everything gets turned on it's head and forces him to change his plans!

Club Detention - Version 0.08

2-07-2024, 21:37 Games / 3DCG
Club Detention - Version 0.08 Club Detention - Version 0.08
About game: As a former disgraced teacher, you are given one last chance to enter the world of academia. You are to teach the hopelessly ignorant young women from ultra-rich families.

Aura Colors - Episode 3 - Version 1.0

2-07-2024, 07:30 Games / 3DCG
Aura Colors - Episode 3 - Version 1.0 Aura Colors - Episode 3 - Version 1.0
About game: After some circumstances that made you leave your town now you are back to it once again trying to start your life there as a fresh start away from your past while making new friends and meeting old ones in your new school and life. will you be able to achieve peace that you always wanted...

Secrets of Sorcery - Version 0.25.0

30-06-2024, 16:56 Games / 3DCG
Secrets of Sorcery - Version 0.25.0 Secrets of Sorcery - Version 0.25.0
About game: You're moving to Dusuka city to attend Dusuka Academy, the most prestigious higher learning academy in the whole country. You're pretty excited, but you've never seen your adoptive mother looking, as nervous as she did on the drive over... Something is wrong...

Steps of Debauchery - Episode 3

26-06-2024, 23:17 Games / 3DCG
Steps of Debauchery - Episode 3 Steps of Debauchery - Episode 3
About game: Follow the steps of Riley, a girl who moves from a small town to the city to help her husband pursue his dreams. While Mike is busy with his bar, Riley supports him wholeheartedly and often puts others’ well-being above her own. This leads her into unexpected situations, where she discovers more about her true self and deepest desires.,,

The Fosters: Back 2 School - Version 0.5

26-06-2024, 18:00 Games / 3DCG
The Fosters: Back 2 School - Version 0.5 The Fosters: Back 2 School - Version 0.5
About game: Four years after the events of The Fosters, Jack is asked to be a substitute teacher at a local high school. Watching over a group of students in week-long detention seems like an easy task, but what do these troublemakers have in mind for Jack? We'll revisit the characters of The Fosters, finding out how they are dealing with the fallout from the first game and further developing our relationships with them. We'll also meet new characters and new love interests.​